Saturday, March 5, 2005

Hot Sunday afternoon......

The week passed has been great! Work abit stressful here and there.....and alright lah....still bearable......and my colleague is back too from her at least someone to talk to in office...hehehe :):):) not that i dont talk to other colleagues in office....but least with this colleague of mine....we talk about stuff......and not just weather and politics..... :):):)

Seem to have lost the touch of writing journals after the long break......havent written for ages's hard now as well....coz I need to turn on their comp to get mine hooked up to internet connection just goes off coz they turn off their comp in their room......then....i also paiseh to knock at their door and ask them to turn will just go to bed lah!!!! :(:(:( but alright lah.....will just take it as a discipline for myself.....time to get some rest....heheh......just gotta take it positively lah....rite? if not life's gonna be so miserable.....

did QT last night......and read this verse.......Proverbs 11:4 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death........just taking out of context abit....about cannot buy the affection of any relationships....whether with family, friends, partner, children, etc........coz love needs presence, time, attention.......these are the more valuable things we need to look out for than money!!!!! at times, we as humans get so focussed on how to earn give our families better lives, but we fail to realise that they would want much more of our love and time than anything else in the for all you out there.....who does nothing but work......would really love to encourage you guys to spend more time building relationships....than just sticking your face into your files, facing your comp......churning reports....etc......we know that we need to have money to survive in this world.....but there ought to be a balance!!!! :):):) anyway.....that is what i am gonna apply to my life has always been like this for me anyway.......i think i am not too caught up with work....or at least....i will set aside weekends for family and loved ones.......well....sorry to bore anyone.......jus a bit of my sharing..... :):):)

One more sharing for the day......Proverbs 10:17 He who keeps instructions is in the way of life, But he who refuses correction goes astray.......i learnt that if we are willing to open our hearts and listen, and willing to correct the mistake with and open mind, God would be able to do so much more with our times we just shut all these out and we find that we will remain stagnant......that is what happened to me in the terms of spiritual growth lah.....I feel that certain things are not done the right way.....and burnt the whole forest down because of one tree.......which is really bad.....i know deep down......i have to correct my way of thinking first before anything....but glad that i have grown out of that.....and now i think....or hope to think that i am more willing to accept constructive comments/suggestions/criticism.......receive everything in a positive manner, reflect on it.....and yeah......try to change.....coz....for things to change....we gotta change first!!!

ok lah.....with my life...nothing exciting...besides getting used to my housemates.....getting to know them a bit more to them now......but they are a dun really wanna intrude their privacy lah.....spending a bit more time with david.....and praying for each other...discussing about God......and blessed that God sent me so many good and caring friends here in Perth!!!!! Thought this time in Perth would be a long and draggy one....but hey....its passing by faster than I thought it would.....its already March!!!!! so fast mann.......may be going back to msia/spore for a while....if time factor permits.....maybe for a couple of months or so? maybe lah....see how lah.....

just having a debate with a friend in spore....(victor) about guys going for looks more than anything else...of course not all guys....but most guys i guess.......would choose the prettier ones.....if they can...hahaha.....yeah....better not go on with him about it....hahaha.....we will end up fighting....hahahah......

shall not blabber too much......have a great week ahead!!!! God bless all.....and cheers!!!!!

ps: just have to put a pic of something pic of my new kiddy shoes....hahaha...... :):):)