Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Church Together.....

At Supreme Court Gardens.....

My current office

Very empty and blank when i took those pics.....that was about 2 weeks into the job

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Lynnie at work

Good arvo all!!!!

Me at work now....20 minutes to home time....feeling really lethargic at the moment......but.....thought i might just add a short journal entry......work is cool.....working on building databases and building webpages at the moment.......which is cool.....but......still learning as i am going along.....i sometimes feel as though my brains are rusty already......i tend to get brain dead at times.....*sigh*

Nothing much happened since i last wrote my journal here......and life is pretty much the same......wake up at 6plus everyday.....sleep at 12plus everyday.......kinda tired actually......but it should be getting better......gonna start studying......end of this month......so no more volleyball....no more socialising......just books books and books....i hope i can keep to it....HAHAHA.....coz i am a slacker!!!! i always leave revision till last minute.....HAHAHAHA :) and panic.....but yeah......hopefully.....now i would be more "matured" in terms of studying......plus....working and studying.....it should be kinda tiring for me.....coz i am a PIG!!!!!!

Another exciting event happening would be..........our semi finals for volleyball today!!!!! Playing at 6pm today.....and kinda excited.......if we win....we will go into the finals.....!!!! :):):)

I am famished.....so hungry i could eat an elephant.....people who know me....will know this expression really well....HEHEHEH :):):) went for cell group last night.....it was good.....made me think quite a bit about my spiritual walk with God.......i just gotta be more and more committed to Him.......life is really weird at times......so many ups and so many downs......i guess that is what makes life so interesting yah.....

i think i am really melancholic today.......cant wait till december.......i wil be going home!!!!! WHOOHOO!!!!! I miss my family and friends!!!! So much.......

shall type a stop here.......have a great remainder of the year ahead.....and GOD BLESS!!!!!