Hurrow hurrow……………..
Today is the first day of autumn……….and the weather is weird…………………..having a cruisey day……………Taking some time to write bits and pieces here and there as usual………
Wow…….it’s already March………time passes so quickly it’s scary………am really very excited over the wedding, and over starting my new life with Dave…………have heaps of stuff not sorted yet…………but I guess we will get them sorted slowly, but surely………..hehehe………….more excited about the married life actually...........hehehe..............
Last night, it was really funny……..Dave and I were in the living room watching tv, and the dog started barking………and Dave was trying to pull his ears as long as possible and check with his bionic eyes, to see what the dog was barking at……..finally we saw a cat climbing on the fence………..then we said…….”ohhh………the dog barking at the cat lah……….”………after about 10 minutes, the dog was still barking……..Dave passed a comment which I find really amusing!!!! “What are the two animals doing???” *in a frustrated voice*…………I don’t know…….to me… sounds really funny……..coz he spoke as though there was something going on between the cat and the dog……………anyway, last night I was dead to the world………all I can remember is Dave shutting the sliding door, and pulling the blinds………and me telling him……..”how come I can still see outside…….can you turn the blinds the other side”……(coz I feel scared alone at home……..hehehe)……….and him coming and saying bye bye and good night……………and I was gone again………… dreamland…… up at 6am this morning…..and saw his missed call……………guess i was really tired........what's new???
Last weekend was cool…….went to the driving range with Dave………it was good………then after golf, we went home………and he cooked curry chicken for me…… was spicy and yummy!!!!!!! I think his chilly tolerance level is really up there now……….hehehe……….coz I am such a good chilly eater…..hiak hiak hiak!!!!! Anyway, his cooking is really yummy!!!!
we have to go to Wesley church to meet our marriage celebrant………gotta sign an intention to marry document………hmm….actually thinking about it……..feeling a bit gancheong……….hehehe…………was just thinking back about myself as a little girl………going to kindergarten/primary school………in dark blue uniform………..then grew up………went to school………… light blue uniform……playing sports, studying, slacking, playing…..then to uni……study, living life without family around me………then work……….and now here I am………making one of the biggest advancements in my life………starting a life with a man I am gonna call my hubby…………..
Wow………sounds dramatic………anyway……….time is running out……..better get my stuff done…………
Have a great day all!!! And look forward to see some of you soon!!!!!