Tuesday, February 28, 2006

First day of Autumn………………..

Hurrow hurrow……………..


Today is the first day of autumn……….and the weather is weird…………………..having a cruisey day……………Taking some time to write bits and pieces here and there as usual………


Wow…….it’s already March………time passes so quickly it’s scary………am really very excited over the wedding, and over starting my new life with Dave…………have heaps of stuff not sorted yet…………but I guess we will get them sorted slowly, but surely………..hehehe………….more excited about the married life actually...........hehehe..............


Last night, it was really funny……..Dave and I were in the living room watching tv, and the dog started barking………and Dave was trying to pull his ears as long as possible and check with his bionic eyes, to see what the dog was barking at……..finally we saw a cat climbing on the fence………..then we said…….”ohhh………the dog barking at the cat lah……….”………after about 10 minutes, the dog was still barking……..Dave passed a comment which I find really amusing!!!! “What are the two animals doing???” *in a frustrated voice*…………I don’t know…….to me…..it sounds really funny……..coz he spoke as though there was something going on between the cat and the dog……………anyway, last night I was dead to the world………all I can remember is Dave shutting the sliding door, and pulling the blinds………and me telling him……..”how come I can still see outside…….can you turn the blinds the other side”……(coz I feel scared alone at home……..hehehe)……….and him coming and saying bye bye and good night……………and I was gone again…………..to dreamland……..got up at 6am this morning…..and saw his missed call……………guess i was really tired........what's new???


Last weekend was cool…….went to the driving range with Dave………it was good………then after golf, we went home………and he cooked curry chicken for me……..it was spicy and yummy!!!!!!! I think his chilly tolerance level is really up there now……….hehehe……….coz I am such a good chilly eater…..hiak hiak hiak!!!!! Anyway, his cooking is really yummy!!!!


we have to go to Wesley church to meet our marriage celebrant………gotta sign an intention to marry document………hmm….actually thinking about it……..feeling a bit gancheong……….hehehe…………was just thinking back about myself as a little girl………going to kindergarten/primary school………in dark blue uniform………..then grew up………went to school…………..in light blue uniform……playing sports, studying, slacking, playing…..then to uni……study, living life without family around me………then work……….and now here I am………making one of the biggest advancements in my life………starting a life with a man I am gonna call my hubby…………..


Wow………sounds dramatic………anyway……….time is running out……..better get my stuff done…………


Have a great day all!!! And look forward to see some of you soon!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

FRIDAY!!! Whoohoo!!!!

Finally it's here again!!! Friday.......

I dont know why I am so ONZZZ about writing my blogs these days.............think I am just going bonkers..........

It has been a mad day at work.........running around like a mad woman.............fine tuning my marketing materials..........ready for a meeting at 3pm today...........BUT!!!!! The meeting was cancelled last minute.....there was supposed to be a drinking session after meeting too.......but.......haha.......cancelled....some are disappointed......but i am cool with it!!!! One of my colleagues Ken, quit his job today.....which means, no more car pooling with him........which means, I HAVE TO drive EVERYDAY!!!! *sob sob*.....and boy we were rushing to get the stuff out till now..........I am waiting for Ken to pass me the last of the last for today, before we call it a day!!!!! My goodness....tired tired..........glad its FRIDAY!!!!! Yesterday was also a mad day as Duane wasnt around........like a professional receptionist mann!!!! Answering his phone calls and taking down all the messages and following up all that he left behind..............*shaking my head*..........long and tiring week for me!!!!!

Cant wait till 420pm!!!!! That is what time I am leaving office!!!! Not any earlier, not any later!!!! Going to city to meet Dave..........dinner...........my favourite highlight of the day.........hiak hiak hiak!!!!! :):):):) I am famished!!!! Wonder what's for dinner tonight!!! Prolly Japanese again.................yummy!!!!!! Cant wait till dinner time!!!!!! I didnt drive today too!!!! Ken picked me today................

What's up tomorrow??? Tennis, swimming and then to Dave's office to print some stuff..............cant wait cant wait!!! I also wanna embark on my new journey........guess what?!?!?! New drama serial.........HIAK HIAK HIAK!!!!! Then church..........tomorrow gonna cook wanton noodles!!!! Got the recipe from mum liao...............hmmm......*drools*.........i am hungry mann!!!! If only i can eat now!!!! YUMMY!!!!!

Last night I was wasted too!!!!! I think while Dave was playing PS2, i fell asleep..........and i vaguely remember that he was also practising his guitar for cell tonigth..............unless i was dreaming big time!!!!! Got up this morning feeling weird...........coz i dreamt of someone killing me..........hahaha................kinda funny........but scary too...........but its cool.............

Gosh........I am still waiting for Ken to pass me the last shipment.............

He finally came.........and i am done...........15minutes to knock off time!!!! Whoohoo!!!! :):):)

Have a great weekend all!!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006


It’s Valentine’s Day again today…………..wow, how time flies!!!!! Last year today I was still at Telstra………probably getting ready to start work………….now here I am……….up here at woop woop!!!!! Started work……….just feeling a bit lethargic at the moment……..so taking some time here and there to write this blog………….Hmm….how did I spend last Vday??? I was at King’s Park with Dave at night………..i think……….yeah………I think so…………..was a simple and quiet one………….sweet memories………….


It was a great weekend………..Friday was Dave’s birthday………and we gave him a surprise party at Seizan Japanese Restaurant……but he didnt really looked that surprised although he said he was.......hehehe…….played some games with him in the city………….and BOY!!!!! He is so sporting!!!!! He was supposed to SMS a friend “Today is my birthday. I am happy”……….and his friend must reply within 10 minutes with “Happy Birthday”………..but, he chose a friend, Aaron, who knew about the surprise party……….and he didn’t reply his sms………….so, he had to do a break dance in the city!!!!!! Guess what?!?!?! He did the dance in David Jones!!!!!!!!! He is so sporting!!! Hahaha!!!! I got the shot in my camera……..and I will post in online soon………..when I am free…………….


All in all, it was good……..everyone turned up…….although as usual, they were late!!!!! And I gave him his bday present after the dinner………it was in the car boot………..when we got home……….he was like a little boy opening the present one by one!!!!!………..And even went out in the middle of the night to the garden to try out his pressie!!!!! Got a shot of that too………hahahaha ……….. JJJ


Oh ya, we collected the car on Friday too………….all’s good……….finally got everything sorted out……….after the stressful week………….


Oh my GOD!!!!! I hate the length of my hair!!!!! I wanna chop my hair off!!!!!! I cant stand long hair!!!!!! Cant wait till after April!!!!! First thing I am gonna do after my wedding would be to CHOP OFF MY HAIR!!!!! ARRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Hot like anything!!!!! Today is 36 degrees too!!!!! Hot and humid!!! YUCKS!!!!!


Saturday, we went to play tennis……….. Dave and I also went for a swim after that………….phewwwww…………..i just love swimming!!!!! Drains the energy off me!!!!! After the swim, we took our shower and went to church……….and after church, went for dinner at Karrawarra and then went for a drink at Makan2……….lingered around till about 12 plus I think……….but all’s good………..met up with some friends whom we haven’t met for a long time………..i came to realise that life is just so unpredictable………and that nothing should be looked at from the surface!!!!! Everything we see, at face value, could be something totally the opposite!!!!


Sunday was great!!!! Woke up………did house work………..and we went to the driving range……………was good……..but I am sore all over now!!!!! Watched the drama serial at night again..........and cried as usual.............Monday went to work looking like a goldfish!!!!! Today is Tuesday!!!! But I am still sore!!!! Havent played for like more than a year!!!!! Plus the weekend of sports……….my GOD!!!! I am so tired!!!!! Last night watched Supernatural……….and fell asleep till Dave woke me up to go back into the room....……but I was in a daze….and I didn’t even know when he left for home last night till I saw my mobile phone with his missed call and time of call……….at 3plus in the morning...............hehehe........yup!!! I am a pig!!!! OINK OINK!!!!


Work is alright………….heaps to do…………..and today is Vday……..Looking forward to meeting up with Dave again after work…………..Hope this week will pass like a breeze!!!!!


Have a great week all!!!!! AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Time flies........


It has been a mad week at work................consolidating and organising marketing materials.........print ads........etc etc...........i am going bonkers.................driving to work everyday drives me nuts!!!!! 30 minutes on the road..............to work.............30 minutes on the road...........back home!!!!! By the time I reach home..........i am nearly dead and gone!!!!!

Nothing much happening in my life.............last week was a crazy week for me..........Tuesday, volleyball, Wednesday, cell group, Thursday, volleyball, Saturday, tennis, Sunday, tennis....................been a full on week..........coz i have been really stressed out.................so need to release stress in sports!!!!! Glad last week's gone with the wind...........I was like a possessed woman!!!!!! Oh ya, met up with Albert, Mike, Wailing and Mel on Friday night at Fast Ed's...........nothing much.......catching up...........and as usual talking nonsense!!!!!

Monday night..........Supernatural.............and spent some time with Dave........Tuesday after work...............which was yesterday...........went to Saigon for my favourite Saigon Chicken Rice....................and then went home to wash the dirty car.............hiak hiak hiak...........after so long!!!!!! But now its clean!!!!! :):):) Last night, composed songs with Dave..........managed to write one.........but..........errr...............no comments!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! Then watched the korean drama...............which i have already watched 3 times...........no choice...........deprived of good shows here...............as usual.......cried..........hiak hiak hiak!!!!! But luckily my eyes are not swollen today!!!!! Have an interview after work today.............

This morning got up.............at about 3 plus in the morning, realised that my mobile phone battery was dead!!!!! So, went to set another alarm so that I will not oversleep!!!! After waking up.............I couldnt really fall back to sleep again..............kept dreaming as usual............!!!!! Fed up...........coz i dream every single night.........and i can remember every single dream!!!!!!

Anyway, this is just a nonsensical blog.....................better get back to work.................

Cant wait for today to end!!!!!