Friday, April 21, 2006


It has been a long long journey since i last wrote my blog.......

All i can summarise for the past few weeks would be.....FATIGUE........tiredness.........

At this moment....i only wanna sleep sleep sleep......and i dont wish to think about anything at all.......sleeping is the only thing i wanna do!!!!!!

Its a long journey ahead.......and there would be many snags along the way.......and i just have to face everything with good cheers!!!!!

All i can say is.........always put God first in everything we do.......and He will always guide our paths and lead us...... :):):):)


Wednesday, April 5, 2006

6th April........2 more days to go........

Wow.........time's 2 days to our wedding..............

My heart is mad...........feel as though i am getting hypertension!!!

Today's gonna be our rehearsal in church...........things are more or less on the way...........i am STILL at work today.............tired...........exhausted..............just feel like going home to sleep................

Will be off tomorrow..........whoohoo.............but no........still cant sleep!!!! Still gotta get up early to go see the hairdresser, see Albert the optometrist.............and gosh..........god knows how long i have to go before i can really sleep!!!! hehehe..............i wanna sleep!!!! tired!!!! sleepy!!!! exhausted!!!! I NEED SLEEP!!!!! BADLY!!!!!!

Sheetheng is reaching today at 2pm.................dave will be picking her up..........and i just cant wait for today to end!!!!! I wanna go home!!!! and SLEEP!!!!! ahahahaha :) I AM A PIG!!!!!

Will be flying back to Singapore/Malaysia on the 13th!!! WHOOHOO!! Malaysia here I come!!!! Back home its no more just sleeping..........but EATING as well!!!!! HIAK HAIK HIAK!!!!! PIGGY LYN coming to town!!!!!! But gonna be busy, coz another wedding reception in JB on the 15th..........after that its off for our honeymoon!!!! WHOOHOO!!!!!! More sleeping and eating!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!! PIGGY PIGGY PIG PIG!!!!!

I am tired and lethargic that I dont know what i am talking is mad.........gotta design 4 more print ads before i can handover the position.........stressed........but life has to go on.......its gonna be my last day in the company on the 12th April........sad to leave the company actually........nice place........and alot of privacy and trust from my boss.........Hmmm..........gonna be a full time housewife after that.........hahahaha......LIKE REAL!!!!! I was offered another job which is nearer to home..............that is really God's blessing actually........perfect timing too.............have been praying really hard about getting a part time job nearer to home................and just right the timing, wedding, holiday and then back to work.................its an industry that i am currently in and interested in too!!!! the healthcare industry!!! COOL BANANAS!!!!! leaving this comfort zone, with own cubicle, privacy...............and into something that is more dynamic..............which is gain some, you lose some..............

i have been singing the song below each time i feel down and i wanna keep reminding myself that things on earth are temporary..............when i feel stressed over work, rship, family, friends.......................etc...............i will just sing the song to remind keep my focus right......and not to worry, nor fret, nor stress..........(easier said than done, but this song calms me down.......hehe)........will end this blog with that...............

turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of the earth, will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace..................
