Thursday, June 1, 2006

Second day of winter........

Its only the second day of winter........I am freezing in my office although i have a scarf wrapped around my neck!!!!! My hands are retarded coz they cant move as I want them too.......they are stiff!!!! I can feel the chill up my spine.........I am useless although i love the cold weather.........I am weak.........a cough is developing too..........gosh.........I think because the ventilation in my office is sorta gone, so summer, its hot like fire and winter, its cold like ice!!!!!! I am currently preparing some tender documents for a XXXXXXXXX in Hongkong.........been working on it since last week.............but yeah, should be good................the documents they need, super alot..........and their requirements are so unclear!!!!! So trying hard to understand what they are requesting for.............

It has been quite busy since I came back here........but I still prefer to be busy than have nothing to do.........I am hungry's freezing...........and I forgot my biscuits!!!! :(:(:(

I really cant wait for the day to end...........its gonna be a long weekend! Monday's a holiday! Whoohoo! We are gonna have a steamboat gathering at our place.......... :) Will take some pictures and post them online...........I have uploaded some wedding pictures, but I just cant finish all of them........still more shots of wedding dinner, evening shots of dave and i at burswood park, and after church the wedding banquet in Malaysia......*perspires*.......downloading the pics is driving me nuts!!!!! It takes so long to download!!!!! Still have honeymoon pics to download too........I am giving takes too much time...........and I dont really have much time to spare.........does anyone have a quicker way to upload photos???

Last weekend, Dave and I went cycling.............we cycled from home to the Bell Tower..........I havent cycled like for donkey years!!!! I was so tired..............we intend to cycle for breakfast in the city this coming weekend??? Haha, we'll see if we do it or not..........Dave is trying to talk me into letting him cycle to city to work everyday..........coz many people are doing the moment i dont think so........

Now my mind is only full of food..........hehehe :) I wanna eat kuehtiaw soup!!!! Hot and yummy........with hot chillies and soya sauce!!!! Hmmmm.........YUMMY!!!!!.........*drools*.........ohhh.........and THI KAH CHO (pigs trotters in vinegar).........yumyum!!!! and errr.........the fish mee hoon soup at old airport road hawker centre in singapore!!!!! My goodness................i am hungry!!!! Dont mind some sakae sushi too!!!!! Or KONG BAK PAO in the old airport road hawker as well..............oh my god!!!!! Or Penang Cheecheongfun!!!! Yummy!!!!! I only love Singapore and Malaysia for the food!!!

Better stop..........or my table will be wet.........hahaha............

A few more hours to the long weekend! Gotta make full use of this holiday, coz after this, gotta wait till October for another public holiday!!!! I am waiting for the engineer to pass me some technical specs at the moment for the tender..........and then, I am done for the tender!!!! Whoohoo!!!!!

Better not blabber too much...........just a verse to of the stuff in my to do list at the moment...........

A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.

Proverbs 17:27-28

I am trying to learn to say the right words at the right time and to control my temper.........which I believe I am improving bit by bit.............but with God's help...........I doubt I can do it without Him.............

Anyway, gotta get back to work!

Have a great day all!