WOW.............seasons come seasons go!!!!! Its already September.............that is so quick!!!!!
Many things happened from the last time I blogged up till today................I started my classes.........and surprisingly, I am sorta enjoying my studies.............I guess it's coz I have to pay so much for it.....hehe..........$2K per unit and I am doing 4 units so that totals $8k for just one semester!!!!! *shaking my head*..............the unis really know how to squeeze $$$ from students!!! should have done another degree instead of doing my masters.......that would be so much cheaper.......but slightly longer though.......Will be having some mid semester tests next few weeks..........and a test this week too.............sigh........havent really had time to sit down and really study.........or should i say, i have been slacking off last week coz its semester break.............but i think i have not studied and revised so much in my life!!!!! probably coz i am working as well which adds on to the worry and stress of falling behind.............
hmmm.......lets see what i can share.........oh ya.....the goodness of God!!!!! i was actually doing more of the marketing and advertising stuff for my current company...........and i started working part time when my uni started...........on the first week of uni.........i received a call from my current manager, but missed it..............and he left a message to urgently call him back........he even dropped dave an email to get me to call him..........when i heard that........i thought.......gosh, what is so serious??? did i get into trouble for something??? so i called him back.........he told me that the financial controller of the company has just tendered her resignation...........and asked if i was game enough to take up that role since i am doing my master of accounting...........and i did.......and now i even have my own's really god's blessings.....history is..........i tendered my resignation with this company before i got married in april.......and found another job at the australian medical association in the training dept...........when i came back from msia, started work at AMA in may, but didnt like that job.............and quit...........i was looking for some part time job to fill time while i wasnt in uni.......and of course to earn money.............the next day after i left AMA, my current manager emailed me, to see if i have started working somewhere when i was searching the web for some pt jobs........and he said he is willing to offer me part time work if i came back..........and he also reviewed my pay........... :):):) so, i came back after negotiation.............and started part time when uni started...............and then the offer came.............for financial controller...........isnt it god's timing and blessing???? and before that..........i also rejected coming in to this company once.........and manager also called me the second time to counter offer..........sometimes, i really feel God works wonders.........and He wants the best for us..............there's the song that goes.........In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time.......Lord please show me everyday, as You're teaching Your way, that You'll do just what you say, In Your time.........i love this song!!!! and i strongly believe that God has always been there for me.............
Anyway, work has been really stressful though, coz we changed new ERP systems.........and also I am tackling a new role altogether.............with minimal my study stress...............just gotta get a hold of myself..........when i sit down and do stuff..........things can get overwhelming at times............but I think during this time, i have actually grown closer to God.........coz He is the source of my strength...........when I am weak, He makes me stronger...........God is good!
The craze with Dave the past few weeks was Naruto........who always goes DATEBAYO..............after all his sentences...........I LOVE that's very inspiring..............positive attitude...........and I learn alot from it........and not to mention the tears that i have shed........HAHAHA.............what's new?? Lynnie is always a cry's a good show...............
Time to get back to work.........lunch time is over...............oh ya, probably will go back to spore/msia during Xmas/NY period..............WHOOHOO!!!!!! 3Fs!!!!! Family, Friends and Food!!!!! Look forward to catch up!!!!!
Have a great day all!!!!!