Monday, October 23, 2006

End of October

My goodness.........nearly the end of the year.........

Exams are creeping load is piling........heaps of stuff lining up........

Let's see, what happened since I last wrote.....

My birthday.....a surprise from Dave and the rest of the friends from church. Went to a Japanese restaurant in Northbridge.....cant remember what is the name of that restaurant.......but the food was yummy!!!!! Before that, was watching the Eagles vs Swans game.............exciting...........EAGLES won!!!! Yeah, it's good they won, or else, Dave will be complaining the whole day...........HAHAHA.............Dave got me a violin.........which is really cool.....coz i have always wanted to play the violin...........from then till today, i can play some songs on it already.........hiak hiak hiak..........not sure if my fingering is correct or the way i am pulling the strings is correct..........but as long as there is music coming out from the playing..........i am happy..........hahaha.........i know i irritate dave a lot with the noises.........hahaha........hope to learn formally after my exams......i love my bday gift!!!!! :):):) Initially i thought dave was gonna get a drum kit for me.........hahahah..........but i was wrong...........

Besides that, nothing exciting happening..........coz studying and working...........equals to a dead 10pm every night i am gone...........wake up 6 plus in the night to class.............home.........and crash.............

oh exciting thing is that Dave and I will both be serving God in cell ministry again.........we had a break from it for a while..........and we both grew alot during our break....we learnt a lot......from this break that we had.....i have grown so much closer to God.............i cant say that i am perfect........i am just human and i have my weaknesses...............i am striving to be a better person..........maybe still have heaps of flaws...........but i believe...........God is moulding me to be a person he wants me to be..........Slowly but surely...........

over the past few months..........i am growing so deeply in love with my husband..........there are still ups and downs of course..........but each time i look at him..........i adore him more and more.........i thank God for him in my life.............its a blessing to have him as my hubby!!!!! of course there are still things we dislike about each other...........but i can loudly scream out to everyone that I LOVE DAVE!!! *blush blush*  

what else? oh dave an electric guitar and amp...............he is enjoying it which is good..........and we went for a black tie event last friday at hyatt was the 2006 Western Australian Industry and Export company is one of the finalists for the CY O'Connor Award for Excellence in Engineering and Technology.............the food was not too bad...........and it was fun dressing up for it lah..........but after that event.......i was dead beat...........reached home at about 12 plus.........showered and i was gone..........

last few weekends.........have been camping in uni doing my assignments and stuff.........super tired of it..........cant wait for the exams to finish..........that's when the pig will be let loose!!!! hahahahahahahah!!!! who's the pig?!?!? i am!!!!! i can sleep.........can do whatever i want to!!!!! now, cant do anything at time to slack from now on........exams are drawing near..........sigh!!!!

wow..........i have written quite a lot................will try to post some pictures soon..........

look forward to catch up with some old friends............going back on the 15th december..........!!!! WHOOHOO!!!!!

have a great week all!!!!!