Good day all. It’s finally Friday!
Been out for lunch with my uni mates…busy at work…
Just some quick updates about myself……….
I started work in a new company in the city……been in this company for 3 weeks now…….time flies…..have great bosses……..good colleagues………have my own office………window view, although facing the road…….so those of you who walk past Citibank building, look up and wave to me……..hahaha……….i’m facing the park…….been learning heaps of new stuff………enjoying work so far………
I realised that I am a workaholic……….as in I cannot stand not having anything to do in the office……….arrghhh……….whenever I finish something, I crave for more stuff to do……….not sure why………but I feel uncomfy when I have nothing to do…….maybe seems like I am not working??? Sigh………but, at night, when I lie down, I go straight to dreamland………
Oh ya, got my results last Wednesday too……..surprised with my results again………I thought I wont do so well, but hmmm….i scored all distinctions for my units………praise God!!!! I was feeling rather down after my exams, coz I thought I didn’t prepare myself well enough……….anyway, praise God………really…….and gotta thank Dave too……couldn’t have done it without him……….he cooks and cleans and looks after me……….hehe……he’s a loving husband………I am proud to say that I love him……………guys, I have finally completed my Master of Accounting!!!!! Whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My graduation is in September……..somehow, don’t feel quite excited about it……but I guess I’ll feel excited when it nears……..
My parents are coming in August with my niece and sis and bro-in-law too………looking forward to see them!!!! Cant wait to see them! YESSSS!!! Home cooked food!!!! Yum yum!!!!
Tonight, gonna have a social night in church………bringing some friends to church……….quite excited……..coz they are non-believers……….although it’s just for social night, but hope that they click with other friends, and will come visit the service…………
Past few weeks, I’ve been shopping heaps too………spending too much money on clothes……….but I guess I need them lah………(what an excuse)……..but yeah, having sales everywhere………..and plus working in the city……..and dave finishes work at 530, and I finish work at 430………so I have an hour in between to shop………dave drops me off at 745 in the morning, drives to east perth, parks at friend’s place and takes a cat to work……..home time, I’ll take a walk in town till 515 and then take a cat to his friend’s house, pick the car, and drive to pick him up……..that’s our daily routine now……..getting quite used to it……in fact, quite enjoy this daily routine………coz I do a lot of walking now………I need that………since I started studying, I put on so much weight!!!!! Need to lose some now……….hahahaha…………
Hmm…….what else is there to update??? Nothing much lah………..i should be going back end of the year, or chinese new year……….
Oh ya, a friend/junior from Convent just came to
Hope everyone will have a great weekend! God bless………….