Saturday, February 16, 2008

Updates...end of summer... normal line..."TIME FLIES!!!!!"...its nearly the end of summer...


It has been ages since I updated my blog...Some of you have been asking me about what is going on in my life here down under...and some of you have asked me to add your new work email address donkey years ago...apologies for the slackness...I'll add all of you including those who didnt ask me to add...coz this is the best place to know what I have been up to...hehehe...sorry lah...I'm a bit slack these days with the to catch up via the office... :)

Last I updated about things I should be grateful parents coming, buying an investment property, blah blah blah...I also mentioned that I had my exams coming up and was gonna die ugly...surprisingly, I scored a distinction...HAHAHA...*smiles*...God's always there for me...hiak hiak hiak...was quite worried actually...coz I was busy with my family and didnt have time to study...was cramming everything...but thank God...I pulled through... :)

This semester, I am too ambitious, and I am doing 2 units...kinda worried...coz 1 unit is already quite a killer, but I am just gonna bite the bullet and do it...coz I really wanna get over and done with studying...too working as well...

Oh ya...another update is I have changed jobs...been trying to get into the Oil and Gas industry...coz I hear alot about the industry...etc...and I think that it sounds really, since I am in Western Australia, I should try to catch the mining boom...hiak hiak hiak...saw a position online...sent in my resume...scored and interview...and got the job...quite the moment...I am enjoying my job...thoroughly...learning heaps of stuff in this industry...quite different...but yeah...bosses are cool...and it's a good place to work in...for those of you who know Perth...I am working in West Perth now...I have a parking lot too...hiak hiak these days, I drop Dave off, and then pick him up after work...

In terms of church...we've have a break with our cell group...starting up next week...the theme in church is "DEVOTED" we need to be devoted to God...why we should be devoted, blah blah's good...been to church just now...and it was good...

It's 1:18am now in the morning...just cant get to sleep...decided to write a blog...before trying to sleep...

Lots of happenings...lots of thoughts...lots of reminiscience on my part...I've been reading back old emails from old friends...friends in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Melbourne, China, etc etc...I really miss the days...I miss the friendships that I shared with each and everyone of my friends...Also, because I couldnt sleep, I tried going in to ICQ just now, to see if there are still anyone online that program...guess what?!?!?! NOT A SOUL!!!!! I went back to read the chat history that I have in there...memories came flooding back...I dropped a message to some of know who you are...who chatted with me during my days in Nedlands...hiak hiak hiak...I know that those messages will probably not be read...but it would be interesting to know who managed to read my messages via icq...HAHAHAHA...let me know if you read it yah!!!!!

I miss the carefree days...chatting online...meeting up with you guys...etc etc...I think many of you old friends of mine...we catch up alot via the net...Each time I think of you guys...I count my blessings!!!!! I miss all of you very very much...and I really hope to catch up with you guys soon!!!!!

Each and everyone of you...have a special place in my heart...I treasure our friendships...and I thank you for being in my life...

Wow...I think I am getting very very "emotional" here...

Some of you, I have known for more than 22 years...I thank God for your friendship...some of you...I may have known a shorter time, but I also am glad that I found a friend in guys make my life more colourful and more exciting...

I hope to keep in closer touch with each and everyone of you...

I miss you all...take care lots and have a great year ahead...

I shall head off to bed now...have a good night...and god bless all of you...

See you all soon!!!!!