Thursday, May 27, 2010

One more month and back to work... :(

My favourite words while blogging are..."TIME FLIES"...

Time really has been a wonderful journey since Zac came into my life. I am amazed at how quickly time flies and how quickly a little bub who didnt know anything at birth, can progress so quickly doing different things...he's got so many antics now...and the things he does, never fail to bring a smile to my and dave's face...

There are so many things he is doing now...he started off with tummy time where he couldnt lift his head up...then he lifted his head up...then he rolled over from tummy to back...then from back to tummy...reaching for his toes and putting them in his mouth...cupping his hands together like he's saying a he's learning how to crawl...also learning how to sit on his own unsupported...I am so proud of him...he also blabbers many words..."ANGKU", "ALKU", "HIAKU", "ALKIBOO" and so many others that just light up our days...he loves doing the raspberry too...with saliva coming out of his mouth like fountain...starting to pull everything he can set his eyes on...wrestling with his tortoise and doggie...just about everything that he does makes me smile...and he loves to take pictures too...everytime the camera is on him, he gives the biggest smile he could ever give...he is such a cheerful and happy baby...

Reality also hits that I am going back to work in a month's time...I am starting work on the 1st July 2010...back to work...mixed part of me feels extremely sad to leave my little boy with mum/sis to look part of me also feels abit excited to be back at work, I have been offered another role...a project role and it is sort of a mini promotion I would say...just negotiated a contract with my boss...was offered a certain amount by my employer and it was a good offer...and as usual, I consulted Dave...and he told me to try to ask for more...I never liked the idea of going back to my employer and asking for more...I am the kind who doesnt know how to do that sort of thing...but this time...I thickened my skin and asked for more...and I am surprised at how the response to that boss was really good!!!!! He negotiated for an even better deal for me...I am thankful to God and to my boss as well...I am excited just reading my job scope...going back to a totally different position...a more challenging one at that... :)

Ok...little one has woken's time to feed...

Will blog a little more if I manage to find some time to...
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