Monday, February 17, 2014

Zac's highlights in Dubai

I have decided to blog about Zac's stay in Dubai so next time when we look back, we are able to reminisce the time he was 3/4 in Dubai.

Zac was 3 when he came to Dubai. He went to Emirates Hills Nursery for a couple of months upon arrival. His teachers were Miss Kiran, Miss Amy and Miss Vanessa. Some of his friends were Oman, Mohammed, Seohyun, Sosei, Abdullah to name a few. He settled in alright for that few weeks he was in school. 

Then it was the school holidays. He went to play school (Dubai British School) for a few days and we decided that he was not ready for it. He then started swimming lessons with Hamilton swimming school which he enjoyed very much. Zac also enrolled him karate which he attended every now and again.

In July, he started attending Bradenton Preparatory Academy in Sports City. He was in Miss Kelly's class. His other teachers were Miss Azra, Miss Sarah, Mr Waldo and Miss Digna to name a few. Zac was in the green house (cheetah) and some of his friends were:

Zac blended into his new class very well and his teachers often say that he's the 'top student' in his class. He speaks fluently and eloquently and he is one level ahead of his peers. Zac was also given special classes on a daily basis for 15-20 minutes to focus on more challenging things in class to keep him interested.

Zac made many new friends in Dubai. He also celebrated his 4th birthday in Dubai. We invited Gavin, Seane, Alvin, Quain, Bryan, Sew Keng, Kendrick, Laura, Shinta and her three kids, Esther and chantille. On his birthday, we played games such as the rolling of car game, passing parcel and also dancing game. He had Spider-man theme for his birthday and had Spider-Man cake too. He was dressed as spidey for his birthday. There was also a car piñata at the end of his birthday party with lots of candies and chocolates for picking. Mum and I made the car piñata out of cereal boxes. All in all, Zac had a great day.

Zac seems to enjoy Dubai. In Dubai, he has been to many places; Al Ain Zoo, Abu Dhabi mosque, Kidzania - twice, Kiddieville, Burj Khalifa, Museum, Desert safari - twice, Ski Dubai just to name a few.

A few more days and we will be out of this country. In years to come, when Zac is older, I can tell him that he's had lots of fond memories 'growing up' in Dubai although it was only for 9 months.

3 more days left in Dubai

It has been a roller coaster ride since my last post. Good things happened that turned to bad and made my life upside down and left side right.

In September, we all went back to Malaysia to celebrate dad's 70th birthday. It all went pretty well and I am glad that we went back to do so. On dad's birthday morning, I found out that I was pregnant. I was in ecstasy. It was the first time after having Zac that we've had such good news - my pregnancy.

Dad and mum flew back to Dubai with us for a holiday and stayed with us for two months. 

In November at about 10 weeks,  when we visited the doctor for an ultrasound, we found out that the baby in my tummy stopped growing at 7 weeks. I was shattered to pieces. I wept for days and days and so did Dave. I haven't seen Dave cried so much in my entire marriage with him. We both mourned the loss for days. We then let go of our little angel baby and agreed that he/she is in a better place. I had my d&c on the Monday immediately after the scan. It was heart wrenching knowing that that day was the last day the baby was going to be in me, and the last day I would have anything to do with him/her. I was heart broken. Up till now, the loss is felt strongly whenever it comes to mind.

The house in Las Casas was also giving lots of problems to the point that I was paranoid that the house is haunted. I've had too many incidences in the house that up till today, I'm still convinced that it is indeed a dirty house. I believe in spirits and spiritual attacks and I definitely felt a strong presence of something that didn't welcome us in that house. The things that happened while living in that house is strange, weird and coincidental beyond words. I will not go into details here as those are painful and scary memories which I do not wish to remember.

The string of events led hubby dearest to rethink about our move to Dubai. He applied to move out of Dubai and got offers from Scotland, Malaysia, Italy and Singapore. We eventually made the decision that Singapore would be our next location due to the close proximity to home and family.

After the decision was made, life just got busy with packing, clearing, planning, researching, etc.. On the 10/2/2014, we finally moved out of the house into the Dunes apartment; the apartment we first lived in when we moved to Dubai. Life is so much better after leaving the house.

Three days from today, we will be boarding the plane to Perth for five days and we will say adios to Dubai for good! I am so looking forward for that day to come. 

Just as in Norway, people are the hardest to say good bye to. But as always, I believe that our paths will definitely cross again in the future. 

New life, new country, new memories, I am ready for you!