We just came back from a Japan tour yesterday. I was so exhausted during the trip and we walked so much it wasn't funny. Overall it was a good trip minus the fatigue.
When we touched down yesterday, I was feeling awful due to the turbulence in the plane. We were sitting right at the last row of the plane and it was swaying left and right plenty of times. I felt so nauseated during the whole plane ride that I didn't even eat my meal in the plane. Bad idea as that meant that I had to suffer even more headache due to gastric pains.
After touching down, we headed straight home in a cab and went out for dinner. While talking to the friendly cab driver about Lee Kuan Yew and his policies and all, I felt that I was gonna puke. I quickly asked for a plastic bag and out came my guts and everything that could come out of my empty stomach.
At dinner I felt a strange gush below and wasn't feeling that great. Got home, was preparing myself to shower to find that I was bleeding bright red blood. I immediately told Dave. Zac was such a sweet boy as when he heard me saying that he came and asked "are you alright mummy?". After phone calls to the hospitals we ended up driving to Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
The doctor did a scan and said that everything looks ok and it's quite normal to bleed in early pregnancy. She showed me the baby's heart beat and that was my first encounter with the little one.
Next day, which is today, I called my doctor to find out if I should come in to see him. Scheduled an appointment and went straight to see him. More than an hour of wait as usual.
When I finally saw the doctor I was rather nervous. I want to know that the baby is doing well. I want to know that everything is fine. Doctor did a scan and did a measurement. Baby measures at 6 week 3 days today. He also measured the heart beat. They were beating at 150bpm. After I got off the scanning table, he then mentioned that I'm carrying twins. I was elated. Excited. Happy. Thrilled. I couldn't believe it as the day before the doctor only saw one sac.
Now we pray hard that both babies will grow up healthy and strong and happy. I can't wait to see you babies. I love you both already even before meeting you. Daddy, mummy and koko are looking forward to see you both. Stay healthy and happy in there.