Sunday, January 21, 2018

Joel is going to school! Zac is in Year 3!

Tomorrow 22/01/2018 marks a very important milestone in Joel’s life. He will be starting school! He will be in nursery class and wearing uniform and all. It’s amazing how he has progressed from a little baby in the incubator up till today, a toddler toddling around singing and screaming and playing and laughing. He has come a long long way. Looking at him sleeping in his bed, makes me want to cry tears of joy. Nobody would ever understand the gush of emotions thinking about Joel getting this far in life. I am so proud of his achievements to date. He is such a bright and cheerful kid who brings so much joy and laughter into our lives. 

Zac will be starting Year 3!!! He will be starting his 7th year in school. I can’t believe how much Zac has grown. He is fast becoming a young man with his own sets of values and thinking. I’m proud to know that he has grown up to be a compassionate young boy who is kind and empathetic to others. He strives to do the right thing. I am proud to be his mum all these years. 

These two boys are like the veins in my body that keep me going everyday. Without them in Dave and my lives, I believe it would be less meaningful for us living on this earth. I believe that they will achieve what they set out to do in their lives and I will always support them no matter what. I love them and will always do. 

Oh and I have to add this: ‘Mummy does that mean that Joel and I will be in the same year book?’  This sentence really warmed my heart. Zac is right! Both of them will appear in the same year book! How cool is that? Extremely cool to me! I love the idea of having both my boys in the same book. I’m hopeless like that. 😂

Have a great first day in school tomorrow my precious sons! 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Joel’s Achievement 17/1/2018

Today is the first day after two years plus that Joel didn’t puke the entire day!!! He threatened a few times but he managed to contain it. It is really an achievement and I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. I may not be feeling that much excitement on the outside, but deep down, I am grateful that there’s even this one day that he didn’t puke. If there’s one day, there’s going to be two, there’s two there’s going to be ten, twenty, hundred and no more puking. It has been such a long and difficult  journey with Joel’s eating. His drinking has improved tremendously and now I just hope that his eating and chewing would just miraculously happen.

I am waiting for the day that happens and I think I will be crying with joy.

Had a rough day at home today, so my thoughts are all jumbled up. A very messy blog today, but I just had to pen this down as today is such a memorable day with Joel not puking even once!

Let there be more of such days and let the puking be gone forever.