Zac will be starting Year 3!!! He will be starting his 7th year in school. I can’t believe how much Zac has grown. He is fast becoming a young man with his own sets of values and thinking. I’m proud to know that he has grown up to be a compassionate young boy who is kind and empathetic to others. He strives to do the right thing. I am proud to be his mum all these years.
These two boys are like the veins in my body that keep me going everyday. Without them in Dave and my lives, I believe it would be less meaningful for us living on this earth. I believe that they will achieve what they set out to do in their lives and I will always support them no matter what. I love them and will always do.
Oh and I have to add this: ‘Mummy does that mean that Joel and I will be in the same year book?’ This sentence really warmed my heart. Zac is right! Both of them will appear in the same year book! How cool is that? Extremely cool to me! I love the idea of having both my boys in the same book. I’m hopeless like that. 😂
Have a great first day in school tomorrow my precious sons!