Dearest Hannah my precious little one. How have you been? How tall are you now? How long is your hair now? Can you read and write now? Can you jump and skip and dance now? How much have you grown? I believe you are having a great time in heaven now.
Mummy is missing you so much now. It’s your birthday tomorrow. And I wish so much that you are here with me. You would be five tomorrow like your twin brother Joel. He has grown so much now and he likes to scream a lot these days to get his ways. I wish you were here to tell him ‘Didi, don’t be naughty and listen.’ I’m quite sure you’ll be such a Cece. You’ll be a very good Cece to him. I believe it so much that it warms my heart just thinking about it.
You have travelled half the world with us in the last year or so. You were in Singapore, then to England and now back in your home, Australia. We can finally find a resting place for you where we can come and visit you every year. I’m a bit hesitant to put you somewhere to rest finally, as I’ve liked and found comfort in the though that you’ve always been with us everywhere we went. But I believe that it’s good to find you a nice and peaceful resting place where I’d like to be too next time when I come and see you again. So Hannah, I’ll look into that once we have settled in nicely.
And Hannah, for you, I have decided to start building my relationship with God again so that I will not end up in hell and miss the chance of meeting you in heaven. I wonder if you look like me when I was a little girl. Each time I see pictures of my younger self, I’d imagine you being like me. It would really be nice to see how you’re like as a little girl. Up there in heaven, take lots of pictures and keep them for me so that I can see youR growth when I meet you again.
We are in quarantine now. And I’m in the bathroom typing this letter to you Hannah. I want you to know that I love you, I miss you heaps and that you’re always in my heart.
Happy birthday for tomorrow my dearest daughter Hannah. Enjoy yourself up in heaven.
Lots of love, kisses and hugs,