Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Happy 8th Birthday Joel and Hannah in Heaven…

Today 8 years ago was the happiest day of my life when my twins were born - Hannah and Joel. 

I didn’t think that 8 years later, it could still bring tears to my eyes. Firstly, thinking how far my little darling Joel has come in life and lastly, how the little cry I heard in the delivery room while I was sedated still remains so clear in my head. The little cry from the little one Hannah, who has left us. 

I wonder what Hannah looks like now. The other day Zac asked me, mummy do you think Hannah looks like Joel? I told Zac, probably Zac coz they’re twins. Or she might look like me! I’m glad that Hannah still comes up during our conversations because she will be a part of our lives forever. She will be remembered and loved in our hearts. 

Joel had a birthday party at Bounce again this year. He invited his whole class and 17 of them came to the party. He had so much fun and was so happy. I’m sure if Hannah was here the party would be double the size and she would have heaps of fun too. I am so glad that the both of them came into my life, although Hannah just a few days. I am looking forward to the day we all reunite again. 

Happy birthday my darling Joel. I pray that you have a really great year ahead. I pray that you grow up healthy and strong, happy and kind. I love you Joel. 

I love you Hannah. You must be also having a ball in heaven.