Monday, November 27, 2006


It's 28th November 2006.............

I am feeling really down and sad.................currently at work........been a busy day at work........rushing heaps of stuff coz i will be in training again tomorrow.........

Reason for sadness??? Feeling empty..........coz Dave has just gone offshore and he'll only be back next week.......he'll be away for 2 weeks.............I never knew that I would feel so empty........but now, I know the reason why.........he has grown to be a part of me........a part of my life..........and how complete can you be when a part of your life is not there? Anyway, just pray and hope that his mobile phone will have reception when his ship leaves the shore..........

Got up early this morning about 5 plus, made breakkie for him, and he called a cab and left for the airport.........I showered, ironed my clothes, had my breakfast and came straight to work.......spoke to hubby here and there before he boarded the work, felt so moody........until my phone rang at was my dearest dave.........saying that he just touched down and was waiting for his is reception there and he will be there till some time tomorrow before the ship will have contact with him for a while at least.............

Arrrggghhhh...........I shouldnt be feeling so down.........but i cant help's alright........i will get used to it in no time...........i will be burying myself in drama that time will no time, dave will be back.............pray that he will be safe and that his work will complete quickly and he can come home earlier.............

Feeling quite sad to go back to the empty house...........arrrgghhhhhhhhhhhh..............but it's ok.............I'll be fine...............i should be looking at the holiday that dave and i will be going for after he comes back...........


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Exam's Over..............Summer around the corner


Exams are finally OVER!!!!!!! Cant wait to get back my results...................

It has been 2 long stressful weeks for me.............stress at work, stress in uni.............stress over some issues happening.............everything is stress stress and stress..............

Work was killing me as I was nearing my exams.............stupid accounting systems giving me problems!!!!! Insufficient information provided...............etc rushing through my assignments in uni.....................was on the verge of falling off the cliff...........but God is good...........................He is really good!!!! He pulled me through all these...........with a lot of assurance that I will be fine...............

Anyway, was working till last Wednesday before I was officially off work to study for my exams..........Thursday, started studying day and night, Friday, was studying day and night, Saturday was studying day and night, Sunday was studying day and life at all...............oh, on Saturday, Dave actually brought me out for dinner at Blue Duck..........that was the day he proposed to me last was a good break for me from studying...............

Monday, I had two papers!!!!! First paper was the killer paper that I feared most..............Managerial Accounting 530.............went for my paper..........and dont know how i went of course, but i did my best.......just hope that the results will be fine......and then when i was driving home after the exam.............was busy discussing with my classmate about the paper, didnt notice the was school time...............and i saw a camera flash right in front of my eyes..........i was very sure i was only going at about 50 plus..............but of course school zone 40km/ph...............sigh.............not sure if the camera flashed at me or at the car behind me..................anyway, bad mood for the whole afternoon coz of the speed camera...........i have NEVER had a speed fine before...............this is the first time i am getting one.........i am normally quite good with my speed.............normally lah...........hehehe..........but sigh...........

but life goes on........just hope that it's not me................

went home, had to continue studying for my information systems 531 paper...........i was exhausted by then.............from the first tired..............i actually fell asleep for about 5 minutes on the sofa when i was up........and thought, let's set alarm and get up half an hour later.............tried to sleep, cannot sleep...............fed up........went to take a shower, and then came out, continued studying...............dave came home and sent me to uni for my exam..................did my paper, left the exam hall earlier..........coz i was too tired to think..........since i feel that i have finished, i might as well just leave..............i am quite happy with my paper.............coz i know that i have done my best...........despite the fact that i didnt have much time to study..............

Tuesday.............had my law paper at night.............whole day i was stressed out...........coz afraid that i cant remember a single thing during exam...........coz my brain capacity is already at its max................whole day was practicing the question..............wrote till my fingers were swollen!!!! at night, went for my exam................did my paper...........and left the exam hall earlier as well..............i finished all that i can remember.........and answered all i could thought to myself, there is no point staying any longer..........better go home and rest...............coz i was really mentally and physically exhausted.............but i am quite happy with my paper as well...........just hope for the best............

Wednesday, had to come to work, to sort out some payroll stuff in the office...........sigh, i wish i wasnt up at about 630...........came to work..........and i was like a zombie!!!!! what to do...............???? life.................

Finally, yesterday, had my Financial Accounting paper...............whole day was kinda stressed up.............coz i didnt touch this subject till yesterday.............for the whole second half of the semester, i ddint know what was going on with the course............haha.........coz i am a slacker...............started studying in the morning.........and realised that oh my god!!! i cant remember anything!!!!! went to uni earlier for group discussion as well.............went into the exam hall without much hope..............just pray for God to work miracle...........hehehe.............i guess i did my best as well.............and when i first looked at the paper, i thought, ohh my goooddddd!!!!! what are the questions asking for???? during the 10 minutes reading time, i didnt even bother looking at the problem questions.............i was doing the multiple choice questions..............and then finally time to start...........said a short prayer.............and things started coming back to me..............things i studied...........and flashbacks during lecture..............which is good...............all my accounts balanced...........whoohoo!!!!! so happy................stayed till the end of the exam.........checking my calculations................and YESSSSSSSS!!!!! last paper done!!!! for this semester at least!!!!

Last night, went to have chilli mussells with dave, coz we havent had dinner...........i think i was too tired...........and mentally exhausted...........didnt have much appetite to eat..............went home, showered, and i was gone...............sigh, still gotta come to work today.............and stress over all the back logs that i have.....................i have so much stuff to cover...........................

dave has been really supportive throughout my exam period..............the house like a pig sty..........hehehe..........papers everywhere..................wanna say thank you my dear..........for your support.....................

lastly, just wanna highlight the goodness of God...............when i feel that i cant take it anymore, God's always there for me................He has always been there for me..............when i am tired, He seems to give me energy pills to sustain me to continue what i have to do..............when i feel like giving up, He seems to be there with poms poms cheering for me...............when i feel like i cant do it, He seems to keep telling me that I can I can.............God is so good to me................I just wanna share the goodness of God!!!! He is really faithful, if we are faithful to Him................For those who still dont know Him, you have to experience it yourself..............and once you have experienced it, your life will change forever............. :):):):)

ok lah................1pm........time to get back to work...........


Have a great weekend!!!! God bless!!!!